Jeff Miller

Streaming Engineer

Office of Information Technologies
College or School
ND Studios
Year of Emeritus Status

I worked through the Office of Information Technologies doing the video streaming for sporting events, conferences, etc. I was the lead on bringing desktop video conferencing with over 600 contacts a year. This was important during the COVID-19 pandemic since everyone was using desktop videoconferencing.

I was the 1st to bring the Vatican, live to campus for the Alliance of Catholic Education program. I also was in charge of the Videoconferencing Center in the Technology Building. Before Zoom, we used Webex and we did thousands of video conferences and doctorate defenses.

Father John Jenkins used it to speak to all the nation's Alumni once a year. I connected parties as far as Antarctica, to an undisclosed location in Iraq. We streamed the commencement to an officer there whose son was graduating from Notre Dame. Very touching meeting.

I was in instructional television production for over 30 years before coming to ND as manager of the A/V Department.

Jeffrey Miller
69526 Fox Crossing
Edwardsburg, Mi 49112
