Ronald Hellenthal

Emeritus Professor and Director, N.D. Museum of Biodiversity

Biological Sciences
College or School
College of Science
Year of Emeritus Status

I received my Ph. D. in Entomology at the University of Minnesota and joined the Biological Sciences faculty in 1977, where my research and that of most of my graduate students focused on the relationships of aquatic insects with environmental quality. Much of our research has involved Juday Creek which flows through Notre Dame’s Warren Golf Course on its way to the St. Joseph River.

I have taught various courses here mostly on aquatic ecology and insect biology. Since retiring from the University in 2012, I have continued teaching courses on arthropod biology and identification, including General Entomology, Aquatic Insects, and Arthropods and Human Disease, and have advised 98 students in Undergraduate Research, Sustainability Capstone, and Honors Thesis projects.

I am actively involved with the Notre Dame Museum of Biodiversity in the Jordan Science Learning Center, especially in curating its large collection of insects and other arthropods.

Outside of Notre Dame, since 1996 I have served as a member of the Indiana Pesticide Review Board, a gubernatorially appointed commission responsible for regulation of pesticides in Indiana, and have served as its chair since 2008. I currently serve on the Juday Creek Task Force, which is advisory to the St. Joseph County Drainage Board, the County Health Department’s Water Resources Advisory Board and the On-Site Wastewater Advisory Board, which I also chair.
Recent Professional Activities