
The Notre Dame Association of Retired Faculty and Professional Staff (NDRFP) was formed as a University-Recognized Employee Resource Group in 2019 under the office of the University Provost. All retirees from the faculty and exempt staff positions and their spouses automatically become members of NDRFP. Spouses of retirees who have died are welcome to continue in the Association. They should indicate their desire by dropping a note to the Vice President of NDRFP within a year after their spouse's death.


The Mission of NDRFP is to foster community and common activities among the retiree(s) and professional faculty on-site and at remote locations. Through a regularly maintained website, it establishes a retiree(s) liaison network that will communicate news items of importance; it will be a locus for recognition of retiree(s) contributions to the University, the professions, and the larger community. It provides information on social events, lectures, benefits, and other information of interest to retired staff and professional faculty.

Board of Directors

Officers as of July 1, 2024:

Phillip Sloan, President
College of Arts and Letters
Barry Keating, Vice President
Mendoza College of Business
Vaughn R. McKim, Secretary
College of Arts and Letters
William Strieder, Treasurer
College of Engineering


E. Jane Doering, Faculty Senate Representative
College of Arts and Letters
Marsha Stevenson, Faculty Senate Representative
Hesburgh Libraries

Board Members:

Judith Fox, At-Large Member
College of Law
Ronald Hellenthal, At-Large Member
College of Science
Michael McFarland, At-Large Member
College of Science
Kathleen Peterson, At-Large Member
College of Science

Kelli Brown
Website Coordinator
Administrative Assistant