E. Jane Doering

Professor Emerita

Teachers as Scholars Program
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Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Year of Emeritus Status

E. Jane Doering is professor emerita in the College of Arts and Letters. She received her PhD from Northwestern University in 19th and 20th-century French literature and culture. She also holds a Master of Education from Goucher College and an M.A. in French Literature from the University of Notre Dame, along with a Diplôme d’études from La Sorbonne, Paris.

Her published books are:

When Fiction and Philosophy Meet: A conversation with Flannery O’Connor and Simone Weil, co-authored with Ruthann Knechel Johansen, Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2019.

Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-perpetuating Force, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010.

The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil, co-edited with Eric O. Springsted, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2004.

She has authored over three dozen articles in English, French, and Italian on the multi-dimensional thought of Simone Weil and delivered a multitude of talks in the USA, Canada, France, Italy, and Israel.

Her professional responsibilities include being a longstanding member of the governing board of the American Weil Society and The International Association pour l’étude de la pensée de Simone Weil.

Email: Elizabeth.J.Doering.3@nd.edu

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