Recent professional activities by José E. Limón, Notre Dame Professor of American Literature Emeritus

Author: Kelli Brown

Jose Limon

Forthcoming book: The Streets of Laredo: Texas Modernity and its Discontents College Station: Texas A&M University Press.

“Gone to Texas: Laura Krey, the Southern Renaissance, and Greater Mexico.” Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas 51 (March 2022) 8-24

“Facing Black, Effacing Jew: Race, Tikuun Olam, and the Baseball Novels of Mark Harris.” Aethlon: The Journal of Sports Literature. 38:2 (2021) 5-23.

Academic Lectures and Conference Presentations:
Américo Paredes, Mexican American Studies, the University and Modernity.” Invited Lecture. The University of Texas at Austin. March 30, 2023.
“From the Streets of Laredo to the Palo Duro Canyon and other Texas Stories.”Gary L. Nall Distinguished Lecture. Center for the Study of the American West. West Texas A&M University. October 29, 2020.

Other Service to the University and Community:
Promotion and Tenure reviews for UC-Berkeley, University of Southern California, Brown University.