Recent professional activities by Judith Fox, Clinical Professor Emerita of Law

Author: Kelli Brown

Judith Fox Clinical Professor Emerita of Law

Community Service:

Appointed member of South Bend Reparatory Justice Commission, chairing the housing subcommittee.

Pro bono legal work (free legal services).

Bi-weekly pro bono housing events (provide legal advice and sealing of eviction records) for volunteer lawyer network.

Volunteered at 2 half day ask a lawyer event.

Lead Affinity Group (working locally to combat lead poisoning in children; education and advocacy).

Statewide: Commission for Equity and Access in the Court Systems, Indiana Supreme Court (chair of the small claims working group).

Indiana State Bar Association, pro bono committee.

Lead Coalition (working statewide to combat lead poisoning in children).

National: Reporter, Uniform Law Commission (completed drafting of Consumer Debt Default Judgment Act).

New America Project: working with the New America project on creating a housing loss count.


I have guest lectured for the Poverty Studies program, a theology seminar, and the summer scholars’ program.

I have supervised 3 capstone projects and advised on 2 other undergraduate research projects.


Coding Evictions: St. Joseph County Eviction Court Watch Study with Katherine Wines, Court Navigator for St. Joseph County

The American Dream: A Historic Perspective61 Washburn L. J. 441 (2022).

The long term consequences of student loan debt, forthcoming Loyola J. Consumer Law.

Indiana State Government in Action: Responses to Lead Poisoning September 23, 2022, IUPUI Program on Law and State Government.

Courts, Default Judgments and the Uniform Law Commission’s (ULC) Unifrom Act, National Creditors Bar Association, February 1, 2024.

Ethical Issues Unique to the Consumer Space, Public Law Institute, September 19, 2023.

Fair Housing and the LGBTQIA Community, South Bend Human Rights Commission, April 17, 2023.

Ethical Issues Unique to the Consumer Space, Public Law Institute, September 20, 2022.

Awards and Honors:

South Bend Community Award, October 24, 2022, Notre Dame Law School.

Member Profile